God of the heaven high, mighty in war and rich in mercy.
You spoke and the earth came to being
Like a skillful poet your orders beautifully fashioned the universe, except that
My best words can't justly tell of your wondrous works.
In contrast to what you have made, my shortcomings trigger me to ask, like the psalmist, who am I That you are mindful of me?
Yet you claim that I am your beloved son, You say that before I was born, you knew me and in my mother’s womb you knitted me.
Wonderfully and fearfully made you say I am.
SMH(shaking my head)
Those words sound too good to be true God, because I’m like a desolate place,
whose walls have fallen. The stones and bricks that once stood when I was a little boy with great anticipation of what the future holds now lie in ruin, in a heap, burnt and despised.
Enemy armies have raided this place, they have raged a war and tormented this habitant for far too long now.
And when they see us rebuilding the walls of integrity, love and virtue they mock us.
Our tears have become a laughing stock for the ones who repr0ach us.
They say, "why build with burnt stones?
Will they not fall to the ground even when the whirl wind blows?"
When they spoke I was discouraged
Forgive me Lord for listening to their mockery
Help me to believe that you who started a good work in me will finish it
Help me trust that you will fulfill what you promised
strengthen this feeble hands and teach them how to war
Turn this doubtful cup upside down and fill it with a faithful roar.
bring together the scattered pieces of my easily distracted mind, and anoint my head with your oil that my mind may perceive gracious things.
build your testimony and let us be your workmanship
that we may dwell safely in Zion.
Don’t let our enemies triumph over us, for we are your turtle dove
Lest they rejoice and make a mockery of your name.
Have mercy on us when we cry out to you Lord, for you are our only hope for salvation.
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